Sun-protection-film silver reflective 76 x 220 cm

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Sun-protection-film, silver reflective

76 x 220 cm

Our sun-protection-films provide a discrete shield of the rooms without lessen the transparent impression. Hereby occures a privacy, where it's desired.

General description:
- Sun-protection-film, silver reflective
- Size: 76 x 220 cm
- For windows of buildings.
- Protection against heat and UV-radiation!
- Simple mounting!

- Increases your privacy by screening from view!
- Reduces the fading of the furniture!
- Inclusive knife and squeegee

After the drying of the adhesive layer (about 48 hours), adhered glass surfaces can be cleaned with class cleaner and a soft tissue; don't use aggressive cleaner or scrubbing agents!

- Light permeability: 20%
- Sun permeability: 15%
- UV-transmission: < 1 %

Instruction sheet:
1. Windows, which will be glued, clean well inside and outside.
2. Cut the film at the size of the space of glass which should be glued.
3. Spray the window with a dissolution of distilled water and dish liquid.
4. Subtract the transparent supporting film, by glueing on a adhesive tape on each side. Now you can separate the foils better from each other.
5. Spray well the adhesive side of the film with a water-dish liquid-dissolution.
6. Position the on the adhesive side wet foil at the adherend surface.
7. Push the water with the including squeegee out in horizon direction, until there are no more air bubbles between window and film visible.

The film has to be glued on the inside of the window!

Our Splinter Protection- and Safety-Films for buildings have the characteristic to shield light, warmth and UV radiatiopn effectively.
All products are available online.

  • Sun-protection-film, silver reflective, 76 x 220 cm
  • Light permeability: 20 %; sun permeability: 15 %; UV-transmission: < 1 %
  • Protection against heat and UV-radiation!
  • Reduces the fading of the furniture!
  • Increases your privacy!

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