Soccar car window flag set of 2 Germany fanarticle EM

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Soccar car window flag set of 2 Germany

The Soccar car window flag is the highlight for all soccer fans, who serch a die eine stylish alternative to the conventional flags for clip.

It's suitable for all current 4-door car models with a maximum length of side doors of 115 cm.

The window flag keeps up with speeds up to 200 km/h.

It's tough, heavy duty and weather-proof and offers also sun-, insect- and visibility-protection (filtrates over 80 % UV-radiation).

The flag is half transparent at the inside, so that looking through is possible.

The window flag is covered simply over the windows and fits to each door shape. There are no more fixations necessary.

It tucks space saving in the included bag and is recycable.

Instruction sheet:
1. Choose the right side (label rear in driving direction), open the back door and cover from top like a stocking over the door frame.
2. Arrange the flag at the edges and fit the seam at the door edge.
3. Tighten the flag down. Ready.

Remove the Soccar window flag at car wash off the mirrors.

Fan-articles are available in different performances at our shop.
All articles are available online.

  • Soccar car window flag set of 2 Germany
  • More than just a fan-article: sun protection, insect protection, visibilityprotection (filtrates over 80 % UV-radiation)!
  • Suitable for all current 4-door car models with a maximum length of side doors of 115 cm!
  • Just cover the window, keeps up with speeds up to 200 km/h!
  • It's tough, heavy duty and weather-proof, tucks space saving in the included bag and is recycable!

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