3D-Chrome-Sticker hibiscus blossoms 1 à 45 x 45 mm 1 à 40 x 40 mm white/silver

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3D-Chrome-Sticker, hibiscus blossoms, 1 à 45 x 45 mm, 1 à 40 x 40 mm, white/silver

General description:

High elastic chrome-anodized relief-symbols in the mercury look!

All stickers are weather-proof, petrol- and car wash-resistant!

Size of motive:
1 blossom 45 x 45 mm
1 blossom 40 x 40

Size of sheet: 110 x 85 mm

Motives are bordered rose.

Simply glueing on with the help of a transmission foil!

Suitable for mounting inside and outside of the vehicle!

Instruction sheet
Clean well the background.
Apply the transmission foil at the motive.
Subtract the transmission foil slowly and glue on the motive.

3D-Chrome-Stickers are available in different performances at our shop.
All articles are available online.

  • 3D-Chrome-Sticker, hibiscus vlossoms, white/silver
  • Size motive: 1 blossom 45 x 45 mm, 1 blossom 40 x 40 mm, motives are bordered rose; size of sheet: 110 x 85 mm
  • High elastic chrome-anodized relief-symbols in the mercury look!
  • Suitable for mounting inside and outside of the vehicle!
  • Weather-and carwashproof!

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