Flare match of metal motive Snake-Girl size 55 x 35 x 12 mm

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Flare match of metal, motive Snake-Girl
Size: 55 x 35 x 12 mm

Exclusive flare match of high quality matted metal!

With motive in dimension look (synthetic resin-cover)!


Size: 55 x 35 x 12 mm

Refillable with lighter fuel (not included)!

Friction wheel firing! Fires safe!

Safety indications
- Hold the lighter while firing away from face.
- Keep it out of children's reach.
- Don't explain or teach children the use of the lighter.
- The lighter contains flammable liquid in filled condition.
- Fuel lighters are not self-quenching. Close the cap to quench the flame.
- Do not skip to direct solar radiation for a long time.
- Do not gore the case or throw it in open fire.
- After filling wipe the lighter and your hands well bevor firing.

Lighters are available in different designs at our shop.
All articles are available online.

  • Flare match of metal, motive Snake-Girl
  • Size: 55 x 35 x 12 mm
  • Exclusive flare match of high quality matted metal!
  • With motive in dimension look (synthetic resin-cover)! Scratch-resistant!
  • Refillable with lighter fuel (not included)! Friction wheel firing! Fires safe!

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