Key holder metal CIA/eagle 95 x 35 mm 1 Motive per side

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Key holder metal CIA/eagle, 1 motive per side
Size: 95 x 35 mm

The exclusive key holder of high quality metal with snap hook!

Key holder with motive in dimension-look with synthetic resin-cover, bordered in metal!

One side with motive FBI and one side with motive eagle!


Size: 95 x 35 mm

Diameter tag: 35 mm

Key holders are available in different designs at our shop.
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  • Key holder metal CIA/eagle, 1 Motive per side
  • Size: 95 x 35 mm, Diameter tag: 35 mm
  • The exclusive key holder of high quality metal with snap hook!
  • Key holder with motive in dimension-look with synthetic resin-cover, bordered in metal!
  • One side with motive FBI and one side with motive eagle! Sreatch-resistant!

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