Parking disc Reversible motif "Hier parkt ne Zicke" with ice scraper

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Parking disc Reversible motif "Hier parkt ne Zicke" with ice scraper

Parking disc of plastic.

Size: 155 x 115 mm

Colour: blue

For setting of the arrival time.

With 24h-scale according to StVO.

Just lay it behind your wind-shield.

It can also be used as ice scraper.

A notice:
The blue front side of the parking disc is permitted under the StVO!
The motif side of the parking disc is not permitted under the StVO!

Parking discs are available in our shop in different performances.
All articles are available online.

  • Parking disc Reversible motif "Hier parkt ne Zicke" with ice scraper
  • Of plasitic
  • Size: 155 x 115 mm
  • Colour: blue
  • For setting the arrival time.

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