Windowcleaner with perfume flavour: Ocean-fresh

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Windowcleaner with perfume, flavour: Ocean-fresh
Cleaner for the windscreen washer system in the frost-free time

SENSATIONEL - the cleaner with dreamlike perfume for your windscreen washer system - get the holiday in your car!

Let your escape in the world of the tropics (Tropic) or the smell of the sea with Cool Wave! 

Every time you activate the windscreen washer system in your car, you'll be surrounded by a wonderful smell!

Developped by the maker of the TV-show "DMAX - Der Checker"!

Content: 1 Liter

Recommended mixing ratio: 1 part concentrate of 5 parts water

- Vey good cleaning efficiency
- Full bio-degradable
- Removes line-of-sight obstructional lubricating films
- Solves insect pollutions

  • Windowcleaner with perfume, flavour: Ocean-fresh
  • Cleaner for the windscreen washer system in the frost-free time, content: 1 liter.
  • Recommended mixing ratio: 1 part concentrate of 5 parts water.
  • Very good cleaning efficiency, full bio degradable!
  • Removes line-of-sight obstructional lubricating films and solves insect pollutions.

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