Sticker butterfly dimension 4 pieces each 35 x 35 mm

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Sticker butterfly, dimension
4 pieces, each 35 x 35 mm, 2 x right, 2 x left

Description in general:

High quality transparent PVC-film, in silk-screen-printing.

Thus all stickers are weather-proof, as well as petrol- and carwash-proof!

4 motives per sheet

All motives are punched, therefore it is possible to affix them separately!

Film is printed onesided!

Scratchproof and high flexibility because of artificial resin!

Non-fading ( no yellowing!).

Selfsticking, extremely firm because of special glue.

Our stickers afford not just lots of opportunities to elegantize the car. 
It´s also possible to print "plants- and animals motives" on handys, laptops, tablets or just somewhere at your home in order to feel comfortable.

Sticker "plants and animals" are available in different designs and sizes at our shop.
All articles are available online.

  • Sticker butterfly, dimension
  • 4 motives per sheet, each 35 x 35 mm, 2 x right, 2 x left
  • Non-fading (no yellowing)!
  • Scratchproof and high flexibility because of artificial resin!
  • Weather- and carwash-proof!

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