Sticker holography-glow-reflectors 300 x 200 mm red

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Sticker holography-glow-reflectors
300 x 200 mm, red

General description:

High-quality holography-
foil back side silver.

All stickers are weather-proof, petrol- and car wash-resistant!

Size of sheet: 300 x 200 mm

18 motives per sheet

Size of 
2 stripes a 185 x 30 mm
4 stripes a 185 x 10 mm
4 stripes a 85 x 17 mm
4 triangles a 35 x 35 mm
4 points a 35 mm diameter


Versatile application possibilities, e. g. to marking, labeling, saving.

  • Sticker holography-glow-reflectors, red
  • 18 motives per sheet
  • Size motives: 2 stripes a 185 x 30 mm, 4 stripes a 185 x 10 mm, 4 stripes a 85 x 17 mm, 4 triangles a 35 x 35 mm, 4 points a 35 mm diameter
  • Weather-and carwashproof!
  • Pressure-sensitve!

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