Sticker hibiscus blossoms-set 490 x 160 mm

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Sticker hibiscus blossoms-set

Size of sheet: 490 x 160 mm

Description in general:

Sticker of high-quality PVC-foil transparent printed in screen printing.

All stickers are weather-proof, petrol- and car wash-resistant!

Noble design in applikation look (free standing).

6 motives each sheet

All motives are punched and can be affixed individual!

The foil is printed one-sided!

One sheet contains following motives:

2 blossoms a 111 x 111 mm
blossoms 90 x 90 mm
blossoms 60 x 60 mm

Our stickers provide not only many possibilities to refurbish the car.
Also at mobile phones, laptops, tablets or just in the house hibiscus blossoms increase the comfortable effect.

The stickers blossoms are available in different designs and sizes at our shop.
All articles are available online.

  • Sticker hibiscus blossoms-set
  • Size sheet: 490 x 160 mm; 6 motives each sheet
  • Please notice the size of motves in the article description! Motives are individual punched!
  • High-quality PVC-foil!
  • Weather-and carwashproof!

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